Friday, February 20, 2015


I accidentally left Annie's diaper bag in the car overnight.  When she had a blow out poop at the chiropractor and I went to get the wipes, they were frozen solid.
Me:  Oh no!  How did this happen?
Lucy:  Queen Elsa.  She loves to freeze things.  That's why she has a movie called Frozen.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Somebody contact Bob Dylan

Me: How many roads must a man walk down, before he is called a man?
Lucy: 5.

Apparently the answer blew in the wind straight to her ear.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pop Quiz

Lucy: Mom, what's your favorite sauropod?
Me:  Uhhh ... brachiosaurus?
Lucy: Me too, but I also like Argentinasaurus.

Phew!  That was one of the most stressful pop quizzes I've had in over a decade!