Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sweet sister

Just when I think I'm at my wit's end, she goes and does something sweet like this.

Go to sleep little girl
It's so wonderful we're having a new little girl
but the bad news is ... but the good news is ...
when you're older you can do fun things like me
little girl go to sleep
this is the goodest way to hear this
I love you

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Please let baby #2 be calmer

Today is one of those days where I'm really questioning why I thought it was a good idea to have a second child.  No, you cannot put your toes in your mouth after being outside barefoot in the garden.  No, you cannot put a worm on your plate during the church ladies' tea.  No, you cannot "go up [my] butt hole and join the baby in my uterus so [you] can be twins."  I'm too pregnant for these shenanigans.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

4-year-old Priorities

Lucy asked me to transcribe a dictated letter to grandpa today.  Here's how it went:  "Dear Grandpa, I love you, but I'm also really glad you have a pool."

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nothin' but love?

Me: Well, my back hurts. I'm going to go take a bath.
Lucy: You can't! Your huge belly will overflow the tub!

Thanks for the positive body image messages babe.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Living scab

While at a fancy restaurant yesterday celebrating my graduation, Lucy decided to lift her dress and show the world her undies and belly.  Because, why not?  But there was a strange black dot on her belly button.

Me: Lucy, what's that on your belly button?
My mom: Let me see.  It's just a scab, she's fine.
My sister: Yeah, it's just a scab.
(several hours later)
Lucy:  If it's just a scab, then why does it have legs?

Nope, not a scab.  Definitely a tick.